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About Me

Diverse Experience

From the US Air Force to the phone company to state government to John Deere, I have worked many years in a diverse workforce. Having done so, I have learned to appreciate the different perspectives my co-workers brought to whatever challenges we faced.


For much of my career I worked directly with customers and enjoyed many great relationships. Those relationships were formed by earning their trust and showing genuine concern for their needs. This applies to internal customers and team members as well.

Problem Solver

I started out my career as a computer repair technician. As my career progressed my problem solving skills expanded from correcting malfunctions in existing systems to implementing new solutions to innovation.

Lifelong Learner

When I enlisted in the Air Force after High School, I received over 2,000 hours of technical training. That was only the beginning. In addition to hundreds of hours of training from my various employers, I've purchased my own training. I've used tuition reimbursement programs to work my way through Associates, Bachelors, and MBA degrees. Most recently I was fortunate to participate in 12 weeks of Deere-provided Software Engineering Immersive training from General Assembly.

Software Engineering Skills


Tools and Platforms